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Routines for replacing the crates that comprise the nano_core, i.e., the base kernel image.

In loadable mode, this should be invoked to duplicitously load each one of the nano_core’s constituent crates such that other crates loaded in the future will depend on those dynamically-loaded instances rather than the statically-linked sections in the nano_core’s base kernel image.

As of now, the newly-loaded crates will still depend on (and link against) the data sections (.data and .bss) in the actual nano_core’s memory pages. I haven’t found a correct, safe way to replace those data sections yet, since the type contract of a static variable is that is a singleton instance for all eternity.

However, the non-data sections are replaced, e.g., .text, .rodata. All crates loaded in the future will depend on those newly-loaded (non-data) sections instead of their original counterparts in the nano_core.
